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PublicationsProceedings (94)
† Denotes a student co-author
Berente, N., Brunson, D., King, J.L., Wilkins-Diehr, N., Ahalt, S.C., Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J., …Neeman, H. The professionalization of cyberinfrastructure personnel. PEARC19.
Jiang, F., Castillo, C., and Ahalt, S. (2018). A cloud-agnostic framework for geo-distributed data-intensive applications. Proceedings of 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. Zürich, Switzerland.
Ahalt, S. and Idaszak, R. (2015). Scientific software success: Developing metrics while developing community. Proceedings of WSSSPE3.
Kum, H.C., Pathak, D., Krishnamurthy, A., Reiter, M., and Ahalt, S. (2013). Secure decoupled linkage (SDLink) for building a social genome. Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2013).
Kum, H.C., and Ahalt, S. (2013). Privacy-by-design: Understanding data access models for secondary data. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Joint Summits on Translation Science: Clinical Research Informatics.
Kum, H.C., Pathak, D., Sanka, G., and Ahalt, S. (2013). Privacy beyond anonymity: Decoupling data using encryption. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Joint Summits on Translation Science: Clinical Research Informatics.
Mane, K.K., Schmitt, C., Owen, P., Gersing, K., Ahalt, S.C., and Wilhelmsen, K. (2012). Data-driven approaches to augment clinical decision in EMR Era. Proceedings of Cognitive Information Processing (CIP), 3rd International Workshop. doi: 10.1109/CIP.6232907.
Kum, H.C. and Ahalt, S.C. (2011). Decoupled data for privacy preserving record linkage with error management. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Social Networks. Boston, MA.
Ngo, L.B., Dantuluri, V., Stealey, M., Ahalt, S., and Apon, A. (2012) An architecture for mining and visualization of U.S. higher educational data. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Elton, B., Samsi, S., Smith, H.B., Humphrey, L., Ahalt, S., and Chalker, A. (2009). Using Star-P on DoD high performance computing systems. Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program: Users Group Conference 2009. San Diego, CA.
Elton, B., Samsi, S., Smith, H.B., Humphrey, L., Ahalt, S., and Chalker, A. (2009). A scalability study on DSRC HPC systems of radio frequency tomography code written StarP/MATLAB. Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program: Users Group Conference 2009. San Diego, CA.
Elton, B.H., Samsi, S., Smith, H.B., Humphrey, L., Ahalt, S., Chalker, A., Srivastava, N., and Astala, A. (2009). Very high level languages (VHLL) for no pain scalable computing on high performance systems. Thirteenth Annual High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC) Workshop. Boston, MA.
Guilfoos, B., Samsi, S., Chaves, J., Unpingco, J., Nehrbass, J., Chalker, A., Ahalt, S.C., and Krishnamurthy, A.K. (2007). Web interface for querying/searching RDF database. Proceeding of the HPCMP Users Group Conference.
Elton, B., Nehrbass, J., Ahalt, S., Gardiner, J., and L. Humphrey. (2007). The SIP high productivity toolset for parameter sweeps and monte carlo runs. Proceedings of the HPCMP Users Group Conference 2007, HPCMP: A Bridge to Future Defense.
Gardiner, J., Humphrey, L., Unpingco, J., and Ahalt, S.C. (2007). Computationally intensive SIP algorithms on HPC. HPCMP Users Group Conference 2007. Pittsburgh, PA.
Guilfoos, B., Gardiner, J., Chaves, J.C., Nehrbass, J., Ahalt, S.C., Krishnamurthy, A.K. …Unpingco, J. (2006). Applications in parallel MATLAB. HPCMP Users Group Conference (HPCMP-UGC'06).
Li, H. and Ahalt, S.C. (2005). Hierarchical institution for video annotation. IEEE International Conference on Electro and Information Technology. Lincoln, NE.
Zhao, Y., Ahalt, S.C., and Dong, J. Optimal interleaving for 3-D zerotree wavelet video packets over burst lossy channels. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2, 333-336.
Li, H., Zhao, Y., and Ahalt, S.C. (2004). High-level video annotation using a syntactic approach. International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Control Technologies: CCT’04. Austin, TX.
Li, H., Zhao, Y., and Ahalt, S.C. (2004). Hierarchical video semantic annotation – The vision and techniques. International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Control Technologies: CCT’04. Austin, TX.
Khot, P. †, Krishnamurthy, A.K., Ahalt, S.C., Nehrbass, J.W., and Chaves, J.C. (2003). A parallel data mining toolbox using Matlab/MPI. Proceedings of the High Performance Embedded Computing Workshop (HPEC 2003). Lexington, MA.
Nehrbass, J., Soumekh, M., Ahalt,S.C., and Krishnamurthy, A.K. (2003). Parallel performance of pure M-files versus C-code as applied to formation of wide-bandwidth and wide-beamwidth SAR imagery. Proceedings of the High Performance Embedded Computing workshop (HPEC 2003). Lexington, MA.
Kepner, J. and Ahalt, S.C. (2003). Parallel image processing with MatlabMPI. DOD HPCMP User's Group Conference. Bellevue, WA.
Ma, J.†, Perkins, S., Theiler, J., and Ahalt, S.C. (2002). Modified kernel-based nonlinear feature extraction. Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'02). Las Vegas, USA.
Chaves, J.C., Li, H. †, Zhao, Y. †, and Ahalt, S.C. (2002). Video markup language (VideoML) - an XML-based markup language for video annotation and analysis,” Proceedings of the 2002 HPCMO Users Group Conference. Austin, TX.
Li, H.†, Zhao, Y.†, Sancho-Gómez, J.L., and Ahalt, S.C. (2002). Spatio-temporal structure analysis on motion imagery using a syntactic approach. Proceedings of the World Affairs Congress. Orlando, FL.
Li, H.†, Ma, J.†, Zhao, Y.†, and Ahalt, S.C. (2002). Kernal-based feature extraction. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4726, Automatic Target Recognition XI, Aerosense. Orlando, FL.
Ahalt, S.C., Du ,X.†, and Li, H.† (2002). Content-based image and video compression. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4727, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery, IX, Aerosense. Orlando, FL.
Li, H.†, Sancho Gomez, J.L., and Ahalt, S.C. (2002). Kernal-based discriminant feature extraction using representative data. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4729, Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XI, Aerosense. Orlando, FL.
Zhao, Y.†, Li, H.†, and Ahalt, S.C. (2002). Multiclass kernal-based feature extraction. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4730, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: Theory, Tools, and Technology IV, Aerosense. Orlando, FL.
Ma, J.† and Ahalt, S.C. (2001). Parameter estimation algorithms based on a physics-based HRR moving target model. Proceedings of Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VII, SPIE Aerosense. Orlando, FL.
Chao, H., Dong, J., Zheng, Y.F., and Ahalt, S.C. Object tracking using the gabor wavelet transforms and the golden section algorithm. ICRA2001. Seoul, Korea
Ma, J.†, Li, H.†, and Ahalt, S.C. (2001). Using support vector machines as HRR signature classifiers. Proceedings of the 2001 SPIE Aerosense Conference. Orlando, FL.
Du, X.†, Li, H.†, and Ahalt, S.C. (2001). Content-based image compression. Proceedings of the 2001 SPIE Aerosense Conference: Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VIII. Orlando, FL.
Aradhye, H.B.†, Davis, J.F., Bakshi, B.R., and Ahalt, S.C. (2001). ART-2 and multiscale ART-2 for on-line process fault diagnosis - Validation via industrial case studies. Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Workshop on On-Line Fault Detection and Supervision in the Chemical Process Industries. Jejudo Island, Korea.
Dapeena, A. and Ahalt, S.C. (2000). An online image compression algorithm using singular value decomposition and adaptive vector quantization. Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2000. Tampere, Finland.
Ma, J.† and Ahalt, S.C. (2000). Derivation of physics-based HRR moving target models. Proceedings of Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition IX, SPIE Aerosense. Orlando, FL.
Ma, J.† and Ahalt, S.C. (2000). An analysis of complex HRR range signatures. Proceedings of Targets and Backgrounds VI: Characterization, Visualization, and the Detection Process, SPIE Aerosense. Orlando, FL.
Ahalt, S.C., Du, X†, and Dapena, A. (2000). Content-based image compression for ATR applications. Proceedings of Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VII, SPIE Aerosense. Orlando, FL.
Du, X.†, Ma, J.†, Ahalt, S.C., and Stribling, B.E. (1999). Eigen-indexing in satellite recognition. SPIE's AeroSense ‘99. Orlando, Florida.
Loevenbruck, H., Collins, M.J.†, Beckman, M.E., Krishnamurthy, A.K., and Ahalt, S.C. (1999). An investigation of the temporal coordination of articulatory gestures in consonant clusters and sequences of consonants. In Fujimura, O., Joseph, B.D., and Palek, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of LP'98, pp. 547-73. Prague: The Karolinum Press.
Ulug, B. and Ahalt, S.C. (1999). HRR ATR using VQ classification. SPIE's AeroSense ’99. Orlando, Florida.
Qasem, M.†, Du, X.†, and Ahalt, S.C. (1999). Efficient codebook search for vector quantization: Exploiting inherent codebook structure. SPIE's AeroSense ’99. Orlando, Florida.
Pierson, W.E.†, Ulug, B., and Ahalt, S.C. (1999). Boundary methods for mode estimation. SPIE AeroSense ’99. Orlando, Florida.
Loevenbruck, H., Collins, M.†, Beckman, M., Krishnamurthy, A.K., and Ahalt, S.C. (1998). Syllable structure and gesture timing. Proceedings of Linguistics and Phonetics. Columbus, OH.
Sancho, J.L.†, Pierson, W.E.†, Ulug, B.†, Ahalt, S.C., and Figueiras-Vidal, A.R. (1998). Feature set evaluation and robust neural networks using boundary methods. Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics, and Informatics and The International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis. Orlando, FL.
Ahalt, S.C., Du, X.†, and Stribling, B. (1998). Advanced techniques for estimating and refining orientation vectors of space object imagery. Proceedings of the 1998 Space Control Conference, Lexington, MA.
Ahalt, S.C., Du, X.†, and Stribling, B. (1998). Estimating and refining orientation vectors for sub-components of space object imagery. Proceedings of the 1998 SPIE Conference on Automatic Target Recognition. Orlando, FL.
Pierson, B.†, Ulug, B.†, Ahalt, S.C., Sancho J.L.†, and Figueiras-Vidal, A. (1998). Theoretical and complexity issues for feature set evaluation using boundary methods. Proceedings of the 1998 SPIE Conference on Automatic target Recognition VII, ATR Theory and Performance Estimation. Orlando, FL.
Du X.†, Ahalt, S.C., and Stribling, B. (1998). Advanced techniques for estimating & refining orientation vectors of space object imagery. Proceedings of the 16th MIT/LL Space Control Conference.
Du, X.†, Ahalt, S.C., and Stribling, B. (1998). Estimating and refining orientation vectors for sub-components of space object imagery. Proceedings of SPIE, 3371. Orlando, FL.
Du, X.†, Ahalt, S.C., and Stribling, B. (1997). 3-D orientation vector estimation for sub-components of space object imagery. Proceedings of the 1997 MIT/LL Space Control Conference, pp. 110-128. Lexington, MA. (refereed)
Pierson, B.†, Ulug, B.†, Ahalt, S.C., Sancho, J.L.†, and Figueiras-Vidal, A. (1997). Using boundary methods as ordering indices on ATR feature sets. Proceedings of the 1997 SPIE Conference on Automatic Target Recognition VII, ATR Theory & Performance Estimation, 3070, pp. 173-184, Orlando, FL, April 1997 (abstract refereed)
Fowler, J.E.† and Ahalt, S.C. (1997). Adaptive vector quantization of image sequences using generalized threshold replenishment. Proceedings of the IEEE ICASSP, pp. 3085-3088. Berlin, Germany. (refereed)
Fowler, J.E.† and S.C. Ahalt. (1997). Image-sequence coding with generalized threshold replenishment - A new algorithm for adaptive vector quantization. Proceedings of the 1997 SPIE Conference on Visual Information Processing, 3074, pp. 64-71. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Du, X.†, Zhao, J.†, Ahalt, S.C., and Stribling, B. (1997). 3-D orientation vector estimation for sub-components of space object imagery. Proceedings of the 1997 SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition, pp. 395-405. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Fowler, J.E.† and Ahalt, S.C. (1997). Adaptive vector quantization using generalized threshold replenishment. Proceedings of the 1997 Data Compression Conference, pp. 317-326. Snowbird, UT. (refereed)
Sancho, J.L.†, Figueiras, A.R., Ulug, B.†, Pierson, W.†, and Ahalt, S.C. (1996). Distribution analysis using boundary methods. Proceedings of the 1996 IEE Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing. University of Warwick, England. (refereed)
Hanes, M.D.†, Orin, D.E., and Ahalt, S.C. (1996). Fuzzy and neural network control of object acquisition for power grasp. Proceedings of the 1996 SPIE Conference on Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks II, 2760, pp. 262-272. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Zhao, J.†, Ahalt, S.C., and Stribling, B.E. (1996). 3-D orientation vector estimation from satellite imagery. Proceedings of the 1996 SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition, 2755, pp. 472-483. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Ulug, B.†, Ahalt, S.C., and Mitchell, R.L. (1995). Model-catalog compression for radar target recognition. Proceedings of the 1995 ICASSP, pp. 3479-3482. Detroit, MI. (refereed)
Chiang, H.C.†, Moses, R.L., Potter, L.C., and Ahalt, S.C. (1995). Analysis and modification of linear correlators for image pattern classification. Proceedings of the 1995 ICASSP. Detroit, MI. (refereed)
Chiang†, H.C., Moses, R.L., Potter, L.C., and Ahalt, S.C. (1995). Statistical properties of linear correlators for image pattern classification with application to SAR imagery. Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery II, 2490, pp. 266-277. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Flake†, L., Krishnamurthy, A.K., and Ahalt, S.C. (1995). Multi-aperture SAR target detection using hidden markov models. Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery II, pp. 300-311. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Ulug†, B., Zhao†, J., and Ahalt, S.C. (1995). The use of radial basis function classifiers for SAR data. Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition IV, pp. 583-594. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Liu†, X., Wang, D.L., and Ahalt, S.C. (1995). On the temporal generalization capability of simple recurrent networks. Proceedings of the 1995 SPIE Conference on Applications and Science of Artificial Neural Networks IV, pp. 392-403. Orlando, FL. (invited)
Fowler†, J.E. and Ahalt, S.C. (1994). Differential vector quantization of real-time video. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Fowler†, J.E., Adkins†, K.C., Bibyk, S.B., and Ahalt, S.C. (1994). Differential vector quantization of real-time video using entropy-biased ANN codebooks. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, 3, pp 1871-187. Orlando, FL. (invited)
Hanes†, M.D., Ahalt, S.C., and Orin, D.E. (1994). Intelligent control of object acquisition for power grasp. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp. 303-308. Columbus, OH. (invited)
Ahalt, S.C. and Fowler†, J.E. (1994). Real-time video compression using entropy-biased ANN codebooks. Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Applications of Neural Networks, 2243, pp 254-265. Orlando, FL. (invited)
Fowler†, J.E. and Ahalt, S.C. (1994). Differential vector quantization of real-time video. Proceedings of the IEEE Data Compression Conference, pp. 205-214. Snowbird, UT. (refereed)
Ying, C.H., Ahalt, S.C., and Moses, R.L. (1993). Maximum likelihood parameter estimation of exponential signals using artificial neural networks. Proceedings of the World Conference on Neural Networks. Portland, OR. (refereed)
Ahalt, S.C. and Fowler†, J.E. (1993). Vector quantization using artificial neural network models. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Adaptive Methods and Emergent Techniques for Signal Processing and Communications, pp. 42-61. Bayona, Spain. (invited)
Fowler†, J.E., Carbonara†, M.R., and Ahalt, S.C. (1993). Robust high-fidelity coding technique based on entropy biased ANN codebooks. Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on the Science of Artificial Neural Networks II, pp. 109-117. Orlando, FL. (invited)
Hermann†, D., Ahalt, S.C., and Mitchell, R. (1993). Clustering and compression of high-dimensional sensor data. Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition II, pp. 286-297. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Fowler†, J.E. and Ahalt, S.C. (1993). Robust variable bit-rate coding using entropy biased codebooks. Proceedings of the IEEE Data Compression Conference, pp. 361-370. Snowbird, UT. (refereed)
Chakravarti†, S., Little†, T., and Ahalt, S.C. (1992). Real-time causal edge detector based on edge prediction. International Digital Signal Processing Applications and Technology. Cambridge, MA.
Little†, T.E. and Ahalt, S.C. (1992). A user customizable X window system interface for neural network simulation. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference onTools for Artificial Intelligence, pp. 456-457. Herndon, VA. (refereed)
Chakravarti†, S., Little†, T., and Ahalt, S.C. (1992). A real-time causal edge detector based on prediction. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp. MA3.10.1-MA3.10.4. Toronto, Canada. (refereed)
Carbonara†, M.R., Fowler†, J.E., and Ahalt, S.C. (1992). Compression of digital video data using artificial neural network differential vector quantization. Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. Orlando, FL. (abstract refereed)
Krishnamurthy, A.K., Bibyk, S.B., and Ahalt, S.C. (1991). Video data compression using artificial neural network differential vector quantization. Proceedings of the Space Communications Technology Conference, pp. 95-101. Cleveland, OH.
Chakravarti†, S., Jung†, T.P., Ahalt, S.C., and Krishnamurthy, A.K. (1991). Comparison of prediction methods for differential image processing applications. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering, pp. 210-213. Dayton, OH.
Hanes†, M.D., Ahalt, S.C., and Orin, D.E. (1991). Design of a neural network power grasp controller. Mechanics Computing in the 1990's and Beyond: Proceedings of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Specialty Conference, 1, pp. 73-77. Columbus, OH.
Ahalt, S.C. (1991). Vector quantization using artificial neural network models. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Adaptive Algorithms: Applications and Nonclassical Schemes, pp. 111-130. Bayona, Spain. (invited)
Hanes†, M.D., Ahalt, S.C., Mirza†, K., and Orin, D.E. (1991). Neural network control of force distribution for power grasp. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 746-751. Sacramento, CA. (refereed)
Ahalt, S.C., Chen†, P., and Chou†, C.T. (1990). The neural shell: A neural network simulation tool. Proceedings of the 2nd International IEEE Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence, pp. 118-124. Herndon, VA. (refereed)
Collins, S.A., Krishnamurthy, A.K., Stewart†, D., and Ahalt, S.C. (1990). An optical system for closest vector selection with applications to neural networks. Proceedings of the 15th Congress of the International Commission for Optics in Complex Systems, 1319, pp. 204-205. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. (refereed)
Ahalt, S.C., Jung†, T.P., and Krishnamurthy, A.K. (1990). A comparison of radar signal classifiers. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering, pp. 609-612. Pittsburgh, PA.
Jung†, T.P., Krishnamurthy, A.K., and Ahalt, S.C. (1990). The effects of distortion measures and feature sets on neural network classifiers. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 251-256, San Diego, CA. (refereed)
Hanes†, M.D., Ahalt, S.C., Mirza†, K., and Orin, D.E. (1990). A neural network interface to the DIGITS system. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 343-348. San Diego, CA. (refereed)
Krishnamurthy, A.K., Ahalt, S.C., Chen†, P., and Melton†, D. (1989). Vector quantization using frequency sensitive competitive learning neural networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering, pp. 131-134. Dayton, Ohio.
Ahalt, S.C., Jung†, T.P., and Krishnamurthy, A.K. (1989). Radar target identification using the learning vector quantization neural network. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 605 (Abstract). Washington, D.C. (refereed)
Ahalt, S.C., Chen†, P., and Krishnamurthy, A.K. (1989). Performance analysis of two image vector quantization techniques. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 169-175. Washington, D.C. (refereed)
Ahalt, S.C. and Claus, R.O. (1979). Effect of spherical inclusion defects upon propagation of laser light in isotropic solids. Proceedings of the IEEE 1979 Region 3 Conference. Roanoke, VA.