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PublicationsEditor Reviewed (4)
† Denotes a student co-author
Ahalt, S.C. (2000). SIP forum 2000. ASC MSRC Journal, 4(2), 21.
Hanes, M.D.†, Ahalt, S.C, Mirza, K., and Orin, D.E. (1990). The use of ANN for robot grasping control. Visions, 3(4), 7-11. (Visions is the quarterly publication of the Ohio Supercomputer Center.)
Hanes, M.D.† and Ahalt, S.C. (1990). Cray supercomputers and neural networks. Visions, 3(3), 12-15. (Visions is the quarterly publication of the Ohio Supercomputer Center.)
Olson, D., Ahalt, S.C., Barga, R., and Wilcox, G. (1989). Artificial neural network simulation on cray systems. Cray Channels, 11(2), 20-23. (Cray Channels is a publication of Cray Research, Inc.)